*wysihtml5x 0.4.13* (August 11, 2014) * Adds option for parser to keep comments * Fixes list insertion problems in IE * Fixes some leaking varaibles reduces browser error messages * Updates rangy to latest (1.3alpha.20140804) *wysihtml5x 0.4.12* (July 03, 2014) * Fixes some placeholder problems targeting Firefox and Safari. *wysihtml5x 0.4.11* (July 03, 2014) * Tests are now made with up to date Qunit (tanks @Waxolunist) * Fixes an error that placeholder will not be displayed when whitespace present in editor *wysihtml5x 0.4.10* (June 27, 2014) * Solve inline formating issues when applying multiple styles * Add a special case when deleting into heading with caret *wysihtml5x 0.4.9* (June 17, 2014) * Prevent possible errors when uneditable element is passed through in parser * getValue api changed so passing no parameter will parse and remove all possible internals on result. Takes two parameters getValue(true /* parse content */, true /* ensure removal of all internals and selection markers */) *wysihtml5x 0.4.8* (June 9, 2014) *Improvements in list indent outdent handling * Add insertBlockQuote command and remove blockquote creation from formatBlock *wysihtml5x 0.4.7* (June 2, 2014) * Fixes mayor bug that prevents deleting some elements. *wysihtml5x 0.4.6* (June 2, 2014) * Added "hasVisibleContent" to parser check methods to clean up empty elements * Added list indent and outdent commands * TAB key handling is now optional and can be turned off * Minor bug fixes *wysihtml5x 0.4.5* (May 6, 2014) * Added "add_style" to parser rules * Added function "any" as parser class parameter to pass all classes * Some errors fixed *wysihtml5x 0.4.4* (Apr 25, 2014) * Adds TAB key support * Improves list handling and adds possibility to create nested lists * Improved behaviour of commands that rely on formatInline * Added text alignment with style commands (alignLeftStyle, alignRightStyle, alignCenterStyle) * Changes to grunt build rather than makefile * Updated to newer rangy 1.3alpha * Dropped Old Opera 12 support * Minor bug fixes *wysihtml5x 0.4.3* (Mar 02, 2014) * Adds command "formatCode" * Fixes some IE8 mayor bugs *wysihtml5x 0.4.2* (Feb 13, 2014) * Adds cell selection events "tableselectstart", "tableselectchange" * Fixes configuration file issue of overriding link target attribute * Add bower support *wysihtml5x 0.4.1* (Jan 28, 2014) * "createTable" command has one additional parameter "tableStyle" accepting CSS string * Selecting more than one table cell removes conflicting text selection * Table api has now canMerge function for checking if cell merging is allowed on cells selected * Method "any" added to Parser rules check_attributes enabling all attributes values to pass * Various bugs fixed *wysihtml5x 0.4.0* (Dec 12, 2013) * Changed syntax of background and foreground color with style commands * Anchor creting and removing logic changed * Default build is without internal toolbar functions and build with "-toolbar" suffix contains default toolbar functions *wysihtml5x 0.4.0-beta2* (Nov 7, 2013) * Support for contenteditable without iframe sandbox when initiated on div instead of textarea * Table creation and handling commands added * Improved parser with options to: unwrap tag instead of remove, keep defined styles, complex object type definitions for allowing elements. * Ability to add uneditable area inside editor text flow (useful when building modules like video tools, advanced image editor etc.) * Improved formatblock handling * Ability for user to remove formating with only collapsed caret. (without having to select exactly whole text) * Minor performance fixes * Ability to use inline styles if needed *wysihtml5 0.3.0* (May 18, 2012) * Support for query command groups in toolbar * Don't overwrite title attribute on img and a tags (thx to @bobanj, #65) * Fix copying of attributes (eg. spellcheck="false") * Allow toolbar button other than anchors * Fix another keyboard issue on Windows (#46) * Improve insertUnorderedList and insertOrderedList commands * Now possible to specify text of a hyperlink (thx to @jhollingworth, #45) *wysihtml5 0.3.0 RC 2* (March 29, 2012) * Changed License from GPL to MIT * Now possible to use multiple editors on one page (#20) * Fixed random IE error happening when retrieving currentStyle (#21) * Fixed Safari context menu issue (#27) * Fixed weird issue in Chrome happening when the editor was initialized when the textarea has been inserted dynamically (#15) * Fixed issue happening with the polish keyboard layout (#16) * Make sure that the editor iframe uses same IE document mode as it's parent *wysihtml5 0.3.0 RC 1* (February 5, 2012) * Basic iOS support (thx @javan for bearing with me) * Proper undo/redo support for all browsers except IE * Added more events: beforecommand:composer, aftercommand:composer, undo:composer, redo:composer, show:dialog, save:dialog, cancel:dialog (thx to @martinnormark) * Fixed an annoying text pasting behavior * Allow nested toolbar buttons (thx to @kagd) * Updated rangy library to version 1.2.2 * Improve handling of line breaks in list elements for even cleaner HTML output * The editor now also copies border-radius styles from the textarea to the rich text element (thx to @henningthies) *wysihtml5 0.2.0* (July 13, 2011) * Library agnostic (no Prototype library needed anymore)